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Early Life

Ronnie Foden: The Son of a Manchester City Legend

Early Life

Ronnie Foden was born on January 22, 2019, to Phil Foden and his partner, Rebecca Cooke. As the son of one of Manchester City's most iconic players, Ronnie has witnessed firsthand the highs and lows of the footballing world.

Growing Social Media Presence

Ronnie has gained significant attention on social media, amassing over 4 million followers on Instagram. Known as "El Wey," he shares adorable photos and videos that give fans a glimpse into his life as the son of a renowned footballer.

Family Life

Ronnie is a loving and supportive son. He recently announced the arrival of his baby sister, becoming a big brother at just four years old. The Foden family is known for their close bond, and Ronnie often shares photos and videos of his adventures with his parents and siblings.

Matching Tattoos

Ronnie's connection with his father extends beyond their family ties. The duo has matching tattoos, further symbolizing their unbreakable bond. Ronnie's tattoo features the number 47, a nod to his father's shirt number at Manchester City.


As Ronnie continues to grow, it will be exciting to see how his story unfolds. Whether he follows in his father's footsteps as a footballer or pursues his own passions, there is no doubt that he will have the love and support of his family and millions of fans around the world.
